Certified Glass, Composite Cladding, Steel, Metal and Aluminium Fabricators.
Design and Construct
We have discovered over the years that by designing the structure from first principles, we can often come up with a fresh approach to the whole product and achieve better aesthetic outcomes often with cost savings and nearly always with positive program results.
Most sub contracts these days require the subcontractor to certify that the product conforms to the relevant Australian Standard and the Building code of Australia. Consequently, we have become accustomed to designing the product piece by piece in consultation with our own engineers to ensure that we can ultimately meet our contractual obligation and certify that the works truly do comply.
Detailed shop drawings
With two quality fulltime draftsmen we are in control of the shop drawing process and time line. The devil is in the detail so we work hard to get it right to have a complete set of drawings which enables a fast and efficient approval process as often required by the program. The drawing process can be fast-tracked to achieve conceptual and sectional approval, enabling the procurement of the bulk and long lead materials required to maintain the momentum of the program.
Program is king
Time is of the essence and reliability of performance is something we pride ourselves in. Our robust company and staff structure, together with an extensive vendor, manufacturing and trade network enable us to react quickly and effectively to ensure even the most demanding of programs can be satisfied. Our programs are designed to ensure the eradication of slack lead time in the design/drawing/approval process and of delays in procuring critical material elements. Where time is a crucial issue, our program will illustrate how we can meet critical dates by judicious fast-tracking all activities.
Material and suppliers
Over the past 18 years, our company has established an extensive network of materials and product suppliers throughout Australia and overseas. At last count we had 220 account vendors dealing in a myriad categories such as glass, steel, stainless, timber, plastics, fixings and consumables. Having so many potential supply lines ensures that the right material or service can be sourced quickly and reliably even in periods of high demand and short supply. All our imported materials are independently tested and certified for compliance to the relevant Australian standards.
We have a relatively small factory operated by highly experienced and dedicated staff whose specialties focus on high value stainless steel fabrication and specialized component engineering.
Having direct access to these specialised plant and human recourses enables Made to:
- Respond quickly to the immediate needs of our site staff, thus reducing delays that often occur as a result of the dynamic conditions that inevitably occur on a building site.
- Maintain high quality and tolerances without compromise for complex component fabrication of elements on the critical path.
We complement our in-house production by out-sourcing much of our more straight forward fabrication to a reliable network of specialist fabricators across Sydney and in Asia.
This production management allows:
- The best available trade to be used for the particular fabrication task at hand.
- Ability to obtain fast turn around by securing under-utilised local resources.
- Obtain best value on bulk items.
- Access trades that are outside our field.
- Avoid overburdening our own resources with low value high tonnage work.
On Site
Shop drawings that properly identify all elements of the subject structure and anticipate any likely obstacles ensure that the installation proceeds without a hitch and, most importantly, on time. Given the cost of labour, it is of the utmost importance to our Company that the site process be streamlined in the best interests of our client.
Our origins are site based so we fully appreciate the difficult and fluid conditions that often can hinder the proper installation process and potentially compromise the programme and the product.
Having said all that, safety is our first priority on all our sites.
All our site staff are fully renumerated in accordance with the terms of our current CMFEU EBA and certificates of currency for LSL, C-bus, A-cert, Ctas and 24 Hr top up can be produced on request.
All our on-site employees are covered by certificates of currency to the level required by law
• Product liability to $20,000,000
• Public liability to $20,000,000
• Professional indemnity
• Construction Works $2,000,000 (Residential)
• Construction Works $2,000,000 (Commercial)
• Site Plant and tool cover to $50,000
• Offsite materials and in transit cover to $100,000